“Do what you did in the beginning of the relationship and there won’t be an end.” – Anthony Robbins
Ron and Marcia Janzen
Ron and Marcia Janzen celebrated 61 years of marriage in December 2020.

They met in the summer of 1957 on a blind date when Marcia was a junior at Enid High School. Ron had graduated from Enid High in 1956, was attending college at Phillips University, and was a member of the Playboy Car Club, the group that held the get-together where they met. The outdoor party was held at Nine Mile Canyon, north of Enid, a popular getaway for picnics and such. Marcia had been invited by a neighbor. When asked what attracted them to each other, Ron says, “Marcia was a real looker!” They didn’t “go together” right away, according to Marcia, but Ron kept his sights on her!
They attended Marcia’s senior prom in May of 1958. When asked how Ron proposed marriage, Marcia says, “He really didn’t propose!” It seems Ron had wrapped up a heavy, large gift box for her to open on Christmas Eve. The surprise came when she opened the package, and among several cans of dog food was the wrapped engagement ring box!
They set the date for December 19, 1959. Marcia’s wedding dress was featured on the cover of a bridal magazine and it was decided that they must have a church with a center aisle to accommodate the volume of cascading ruffles of her skirt. They chose Davis Park Christian Church in Enid for the event.

According to Ron, the rehearsal went smoothly, but the next day when the wedding party arrived at the church, someone had placed a Christmas tree at the alter. Marcia was not at all pleased! “If we’d have had a photographer like they do at today’s weddings, they would have been snapping pictures left and right!” Ron laughs.
One well-meaning friend suggested that the couple should keep the tree in place and arrange their wedding gifts beneath it…Marcia again was not amused. The tree was promptly moved away from the altar before the wedding ceremony.
Marcia recalls that she and Ron did everything possible to avoid possible shenanigans from their friends after the wedding. She said the tradition of the time (a type of “chivaree”) involved pushing the bride around the downtown square in a wheelbarrow. “Everyone knew better than to ask Marcia,” chuckles Ron.
They also took precautions and hid their car during the wedding so it wouldn’t be accessible to pranksters. The photographer’s car was mistakenly targeted instead, recalls the couple.
When asked about their honeymoon, “I think we ended up in Missouri,” says Ron. Marcia recalls also being in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at one point. It was a very quick honeymoon trip as the couple was expected back to spend Christmas with family and they didn’t even do their Christmas shopping until they returned.
Ron mentions that his mother, who had a reputation for being opinionated and outspoken, thought that the marriage would never last. “She was a great mom, but not always the best judge of character,” says Ron. But, in 61 years together, the couple reports that they’ve never had a real fight. “Marcia might get irritated, but it never becomes a fight,” offers Ron. “He’s too laid back to fight,” explains Marcia. “We laugh a lot!”
Ron worked for the Social Security Administration for 39 years and retired in 2000. He was elected and served on the Enid City Council from 1987 to 1991 and the Enid Park Board from 1973 to 2007 while serving several terms as Park Board chairman. He also was one of the founders of Enid Mobile Meals, Inc. He served as vice president of Enid Mobile Meals from 1973 to 1978 and president from 1978 to 2002. He still delivers meals weekly. “I’m going for 50 years delivering,” Ron says, proudly.
Early in the marriage, Marcia worked as a teletype operator for Sears, Roebuck and Co. “It was very meticulous work, you could make no mistakes,” she recalls. “The best part of the job was that no one else wanted to do it, so I got an office all to myself,” she recalls. Marcia later worked at Hackney Iron and Steel and the couple raised three children together.

Ron and Marcia have adjusted domestic chores over the years. Marcia took over paying the bills early in the marriage after firm due dates were established. Ron would eventually pay the bills, but not necessarily in any timely manner, according to Marcia. Ironically, he served as treasurer of Noon AMBUCS, Central Christian Church, and Enid Joint Recreational Triad. “It’s easier to manage someone else’s money than your own,” Ron explains. Ron does all the cooking now, much to Marcia’s approval. “When Ron retired, the grocery bill doubled!” she laughs.
Marcia’s parting thought about a successful marriage is, “You have to have a sense of humor… and separate bathrooms!”
“No road is long with good company.” –Turkish Proverb
Jamie Moore
Jamie Moore is single, but has rediscovered herself.

“I lost myself in my marriage in my 30s because I was so reliant on the partnership.” She was married twelve years before the painful split.
Moore previously served as regional development coordinator for The Salvation Army. As a goodwill ambassador for the local corps, she created the sustainable funding model and incorporated mission-based tours. A Stillwater native, she attained bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Oklahoma State University and spent ten years with the university in student recruitment and retention, and four years teaching at OSU in the College of Education.
She suffered multiple losses in 2018 when her father passed away from cancer and she was laid off from The Salvation Army. “My parents were married for 54 years. My mom was my dad’s everything, and she was his everything,” recalls Moore.
Then, her mother, who lives in Morrison, was also diagnosed with cancer. Moore was spending as much time as possible with her until social distancing became essential. Moore still seeks closeness with her mother. On visits, she stays outdoors on the family farm, to keep her mother as safe as possible. “I need to be a daughter.”
Moore began her current position as Community Relations Coordinator for OG&E’s northwest Oklahoma service area in 2019 and says, “I have the best job in the company! Everything I did before led me to this position. My career is a big part of my relationships…I rely on work to build relationships.”
She is not able to be as close to her co-workers as before but looks forward to scheduled Zoom meetings to keep in touch. Moore is a member of Leadership Greater Enid and is still involved with The Salvation Army delivering OG&E donations for Christmas and other needs.

Bart, 5, and Briggs, 8, her beloved Boston Terriers share a home with Moore. She refers to them as her “4-leggeds”. Bart suffers from intervertebral disc disease and subsequently wears a diaper. “It’s my Karma for teasing my girlfriends with babies in diapers,” Moore quips. Bart and Briggs join Moore on her trips to her lake house at Grand Lake. They even enjoy kayaking and paddleboarding with her.
Her lake house is her “refuge”. She loves curling up on the porch/dock swing. “No matter whether it’s warm, cold, or rainy, I grab a glass of wine and relax,” she sighs, “I’m closer to God on the water.”

Moore confides that she is seeing a special guy, but she is being cautious. “We met through a friend at work,” she says, “When I’m with him I laugh all the time! One evening, right before the ice storm (in October 2020) he decided that I needed better firewood. He cut up logs and I loaded them in his pickup. It was chilly, we were working hard, we saw squirrels…and Briggs supervised.”
The couple does art projects and construction projects together. “He’s even helping me remodel both lake house bathrooms,” Moore says, happily. “I enjoy my independence, but need to be with my special people, too,” she adds.
“Don’t settle for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself.” – Oprah
Colton and Serena Johnson
Newlyweds despite COVID-19.
Colton and Serena Johnson met through mutual friends at a bonfire in Carrier in December 2014. Serena was 16, Colton was 18. It was a chilly night, but a spark was kindled in Colton. A week or two later, he invited Serena to his family’s house by offering to paint her fingernails for her. He claimed to have prior experience, but according to Serena, “I had spent an hour picking out new nail polish at Walgreens, but they did not look good!” According to Colton, “I was mainly trying to find a way to see her again!”
The couple dated for the next four years. Serena recalls “pestering” Colton on several occasions as to when he was going to propose. Unknown to Serena, he chose April 21, 2018 as the big day. The idea was for it to be a surprise proposal with the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City as a beautiful springtime backdrop. What he did not count on…April showers!
He and Serena were forced to go inside the Crystal Bridge to stay out of the rain. Colton had arranged for his friend, Shane, to be on-site to take photos of the proposal, but Shane was unable to locate the couple right away as he was still looking for them outside. Serena recalls lots of prom and wedding couples having their photos taken inside, making it extremely crowded. She started wondering why Colton hadn’t suggested that they leave and noticed he nervously kept rubbing his pants pocket.
Finally, Colton spied Shane among the crowds inside the Crystal Bridge, but it was 15 minutes to closing, so he quickly decided he couldn’t wait any longer for the photographer. He dropped to one knee, with Serena saying, “No, no, no!” He proposed to Serena, who was “embarrassed, but excited” and she quickly said “yes” to the applause of all the onlookers.
The wedding date was set for March 27, 2020 at The Springs in Edmond, a picturesque countryside wedding venue. Unfortunately, just days before their wedding date, Governor Stitt announced COVID-19 emergency restrictions on gatherings that caused the venue to cancel all upcoming events. “I cried a lot that week,” recalls Serena.

The restrictions on gatherings were later eased enough that Serena and Colton were able to wed on September 4, 2020, Labor Day Weekend. “I wanted to party a long time, and this gave everyone an extra day to recover,” she says. The postponement also provided another “silver lining.” Earlier, the venue would not allow the couple to include their three-year-old Husky, Cali, to act as “flower girl”. The venue had since modified its rules about having pets on the property, so Cali was included, much to the delight of everyone. The wedding went flawlessly with even Cali cooperating better than expected!
Before their marriage, Colton was awarded his bachelor’s degree at SWOSU in 2019 and is currently completing CLEET training with the Enid Police Department so that he can become a police officer in March 2020. He finds satisfaction in helping people and wants to make a difference. “The EPD works so well together… always as a team. Superiors want to help you,” Colton says.
Serena earned her associate’s degree from NOC in 2017 and now works as a medical office specialist for Dr. Chris Lee, OBGYN. “I’m basically the receptionist,” Serena laughs, “I enjoy seeing the moms during their pregnancies and when they bring in their babies…oh, it’s so fun.”
“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” –Audrey Hepburn
Brady and Meagan Lippard
Loving life together, even when it revolves around their children.

Brady and Meagan Lippard met in 2001 at Jumbo Foods. Not as shoppers, but as co-workers. “I was a checker and Brady was a sacker,” explains Meagan. “Not many of the sackers wanted to be in my line because I was really fast!” Brady had been doing extensive outdoor work for the owner of a large acreage and had recently decided to make the change to an indoor job with better hours.
Meagan was attending Enid High School, Brady had grown up in Ringwood, but he quickly decided to transfer to EHS to spend his senior year with Meagan. “We’ve done stuff together ever since we met,” he adds.
Meagan realized an interest in the nursing field as a high school senior. When she talked to her parents about the idea, they remarked, “You get sick at the sight of blood! Are you sure this is what you want to do?” It was decided that Meagan would work as a nurse aide at St. Mary’s Hospital to find out if the career was for her. After high school graduation in 2003, she attended Northern Oklahoma College, became a registered nurse, and currently works in the ER at INTEGRIS Bass Baptist Health Center. She’ll celebrate 15 years with INTEGRIS in June 2021.
Brady also attended NOC. In 2004, he completed Oklahoma Real Estate School and Missouri Auction School and enrolled in the fire academy at one point, but did not feel at home with the medical part of the job. “I like to be diversified with several sources of income,” he says.
In October 2005, Brady decided it was time to pop the question. He explored several scenarios, but none panned out. His “Plan C” was picking up Meagan after work at St. Mary’s Hospital and driving her to dinner at On the Sidewalk in downtown Enid. After the meal, Brady suggested they go for a walk. Meagan’s immediate response was, “It’s cold outside! I don’t want to go for a walk!” Brady had no formal backup plan, so he drove out to Vance Air Force Base so they could watch the planes take off and land (the base was much more accessible at that time).
“Plan D” materialized… a familiar song started playing on the radio, and Brady asked Meagan, “Do you want to dance?” He was again rebuffed because of the cold weather, so he finally proposed right then and there in his truck! Meagan said “yes” and when they told the exciting news to her parents, Pam and Lonnie Hill, they found out that it was the exact spot where they had gotten engaged many years before!
The date was set for May 20, 2006, and the wedding was held at Oakwood Christian Church. Meagan says, “Our wedding was just before large, elaborate venues were popular.” Her cousin was the photographer and a friend made the cake. For presentation purposes, there would be a traditional tiered cake, but it was just made of Styrofoam with a layer of icing. A more budget-friendly sheet cake would be served at the reception. The tiered cake was decorated at their home and placed on the kitchen counter during the rehearsal dinner. When the wedding party returned to the house, Meagan’s maid of honor made the unfortunate discovery…the couple’s 90-pound dog had easily stood up on the counter and licked off half of the icing! It was shocking at the time, but easily fixed, and is a fond wedding memory.

Brady started full time at Lippard Auctions in 2006. He had helped in the family’s business since he was in his teens. Brady’s job as an auctioneer has changed quite a lot since the arrival of COVID-19. Instead of traveling to an auction site, setting up equipment, and calling for bids, as much as 85 percent of current business is online only with “buy it now” options.
In 2011, Landon was born. Two years later, Brooklyn followed. Now ages 9 and 7, the Lippard children are actively involved in numerous extracurricular activities, including Jiu-Jitsu, basketball, and golf. One additional family member, Bear, is a cuddly four-year-old Goldendoodle who is very much a part of the Lippard family.
Meagan manages to juggle motherhood and a multi-dimensional career daily. She works ER night shifts twice a week, and times her sleep for when the kids are in school. She opened a local med spa in 2019, Blossom Beauty Bar, PLLC, where she is an Aesthetic Registered Nurse Injector three days a week.
The family spends time together in outdoor activities year ‘round such as snow skiing, boating at the lake, and hiking. When possible, the family travels to Troy and Angie Lippard’s place in Colorado, or the kids enjoy learning about farm life at their grandparents’ home west of Enid. Interactions with cattle, tractors, and ATV’s fill their days when they visit.

Brady and Meagan’s home is usually brimming with Landon and Brooklyn’s neighborhood friends. “I’m surprised the doorbell hasn’t been ringing while we are talking,” says Meagan. A few minutes later, youngsters are seen walking up to the front door, just as predicted. Brady comments that they are planning to build a backyard pool for friends to gather even more often. “When we are not up for entertaining, we just close the garage door and shut off the outdoor lights,” Meagan says, with a sigh.

Brady and Meagan’s idea of a date night is when the kids are in the care of their grandparents and the young couple simply chooses to stay at home. Brady, the main chef of the house, is known for his delicious chicken parmesan and juicy grilled steaks. Another quiet “adults only” activity is watching a favorite television show together after the kids are in bed. Sometimes it’s the simple things that keep a relationship flourishing!
“A successful relationship requires falling in love multiple times, but always with the same person.” –Unknown