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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Children’s Nonfiction Picture Book Review

Title: Your Place in the Universe
Author and Illustrator: Jason Chin
Reviewed by: Michaelene M

Your Place in the Universe by Jason Chin takes readers on a journey of perspective, using different methods of measurement to show our place in the universe. And if you’re anything like me where 10 feet may as well be one hundred, this book delivers a powerful sense of comparison.

Chin uses scale, distance, and time to show readers how people compare in this vast place we know as the universe, from the animals and trees, to manmade structures and buildings, to the palatial magnitude of the Cosmic Web. The illustrations arch from one page to the next, putting these measurements into even bigger perspective, making size and distance more accessible and giving us a broader vision.  I knew the universe was big, but it gave me pause to realize how big, and it’s a great book to introduce young readers to life on our planet and all the elements of space—from us to the stars to distant galaxies.

Additional notes are at the back to sum up the measurements and give more insight into the cosmos. This book is a gem for curious minds.

Your Place in the Universe is available as a physical book in the library. Call us at 580-234-6313 to reserve.

Michaelene M.
Michaelene M.https://enid.okpls.org/
Michaelene M. is the Communications Specialist at the Enid Public Library as well as a dedicated reader, writer, and librarian. She enjoys talking books (particularly romance novels), but she reads widely and believes that everyone should see themselves in the books that they read.



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