Kind. Giving. Christian. These are but a few of the descriptors given for this month’s “Local Legend,” Clint Watkins.
Clint was born in Enid, raised in nearby Carrier and graduated from Chisholm High School. He was a multi-sport athlete (football, basketball and track), student council president, and member of the National Honor Society. After graduating high school, he attended Oklahoma State University and earned a decree in architecture, which he has used in his successful career assisting, managing and helping design and build a variety of large projects including Boone Pickens Stadium in Stillwater and at Vance Air Force Base.
He is a wonderful husband and father of two sons. However, it is Mr. Watkin’s spirit of giving and volunteerism that saw him nominated. Mr. Watkins has been a scout leader (where one of his sons reached Eagle Scout) and longtime volunteer for Emmanuel Enid’s Youth Group where he has led bible studies, mentored young men and attended Falls Creek as a youth sponsor. He has been a member of the church’s finance committee, helping guide the church’s budget and spending each year and he has spent countless hours volunteering his time and talent for Forgotten Ministries in building projects and other operations.

Perhaps most unknown is the time and dedication Mr. Watkins has to the country of Honduras. Being concerned with the struggle the people of the Honduras were facing after several hurricanes, Mr. Watkins began taking trips to the Central American country to provide aid and resources to the citizens. This past year he started a non-profit foundation (Mission Honduras Foundation) to aid in raising money to build a church outside Catacamas, and help improve some of the meager housing in remote areas of Potrerillos. He often travels there by himself to help in construction, sleeping in very desolate conditions where clean and running water is scarce. It is this kind of sacrifice and giving which truly makes Clint Watkins a “Local Legend!”
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