41.3 F
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

After a few years of lagging interest, attendance and leadership, Enid High School’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter is on the rise. Approximately three years ago Enid High Assistant Football and Baseball Coach Dennom Sullivan was approached to be the sponsor of the EHS chapter. Previously, it has been difficult not having an active Coach/Teacher sponsor and having someone on site has really helped with planning and communication. Coach Sullivan said that the first meetings were held at lunch and only had a few attendees. Over the last three years the program has grown exponentially and Coach Sullivan gives the credit to the fantastic leadership that he has seen from the students that form their leadership team.

“FCA’s goal is to provide a positive outlet and safe place for kids to gather. It gives our athletes and students the chance to be with other likeminded Christians, and the opportunity for those interested to learn more about God, develop their faith and learn about Him outside of a church setting. Of course it is a voluntary organization and we meet outside of class hours. Currently we meet about once a month, usually on Wednesday nights, and have games, food, music and guest speakers. It’s really been a blessing to see the growth of our chapter.” Coach Sullivan said.

Some past guest speakers have included OSU D-lineman Trace Ford, local NBA star Brent Price and State Representative John Talley. The chapter officers are in charge of planning speakers and events, and Coach Sullivan is excited about the leadership (and leadership training) the chapter has provided.

Enid High’s FCA chapter also hosted a “Fields of Faith” event in October which drew approximately 200 athletes and students from all over NW Oklahoma. NW Oklahoma Area Rep Brady Wilson said this: “I am blown away by the success of the EHS chapter. As a former EHS Student, I am just honored to help and serve the kids of EHS. I am also so thankful for our “Huddle” Leaders (parents and sponsors), such as Dr. and Kristie Carlson and Coach Percival who have been great mentors to the kids. Seth Carlson has also been a great President this year. I am excited to see the growth of the chapter and hope for that to continue in the future!”

The state FCA is planning a camp this summer at Cross Point Camp near Tahlequah. Registration is limited and first come, first served. They expect 250-300 kids from around the State to enjoy a week of camp life, fellowship and fun. If you are interested, talk to a FCA officer or Coach Dennom for more information.  FCA is truly something for EHS to be proud of!

Enid Athletics Plainsmen/Pacer Pride of the Plains Brought to You by Slater Mechanical

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Robert Faulk
Robert Faulkhttps://enidmonthly.com
Robert R. Faulk is the Publisher and Editor of the Enid Monthly. Robert graduated from Oklahoma State University with a B.A. in Political Science and has his J.D. from the Oklahoma City University School of Law. He is originally from Oklahoma City, but is happy to have lived in Enid since 2004 and calls it "home."



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