59.2 F
Monday, March 3, 2025


Ten years ago, if you told Oklahoma Bible Academy Head Coach Christopher Cayot he’d be in his 5th year coaching at a private Christian school, he’d have thought you were crazy.  But even though he spent 22 years coaching at places like Fairview and Laverne, he is extremely happy he made the choice to head up a program like OBA. “Even though the communities I previously coached in were supportive of faith, it’s not really the same thing as at a place like OBA. We are free to talk about our lives, and our beliefs openly and don’t have to worry it might turn someone off or get you in trouble,” Cayot said. “And especially here at OBA, the approach from the school board, to the administration, to the other coaches, is all about focusing on faith, character and especially living out that faith publicly that really attracted me to the school, but has kept me here. My assistant coaches, especially, do so much for both the program, but more importantly care for and mentor our young men. This is the exact kind of place I want my kids to be raised in, and be able to coach. Winning games is important, of course, but the school really cares more about winning at life, and that’s a place I want to be.”

And while they have been winning at building great students of high character, they have been winning on the field too. After going 6-5 and 7-5 Cayot’s first two years while playing 11 man football in Class A, the decision was made to drop to Class B, where they play the 8 man version. “Our school numbers would have allowed us to drop at anytime,” Coach Cayot said, “and we really tried to make a go of 11 man, but we looked around after a few injuries, or a kid or two moving out, and we just didn’t have the bodies to compete. It’s been a really good decision for us and after a year of competing independent, we really had a great year last year.” And a great year it was – as the Trojans finished the regular season 10-0 for maybe the only time in history. “After going 10-0 in the regular season, we had a pretty good playoff run, and finished the year 13-1, losing in the semifinals to Seiling, who we beat earlier in the year,” Cayot said.

And while OBA graduated several excellent Seniors off that special team, Coach Cayot expects this year’s team to challenge for championships as well. “Yeah, we lost some really good players, but we still have some guys that were really good last year, and we have some guys that we expect to step up too. After last season, everyone’s expectations have been raised, so we got to show them what we can do. We are going to look a lot different than last year on offense, since we had a QB that could really throw the ball, but I think we can run the ball effectively, even when the other team knows what we are doing. We just have to work hard and get there.”

And the way there will start with Senior Jud Cheatham, last year’s team leading rusher, and all district running back. “Jud will play some QB for us this year, because he’s our best runner. He’s also a leader on defense at free safety, and a really good tackler,” says Cayot. Snapping the ball will be Senior center, Harrison Crow, who also starts at strong side linebacker on defense. “Crow does a good job knowing where to be and who to block. He will be the reason we will be able to run the ball effectively,” says Cayot. Senior Fullback and Linebacker Ian Eastin is another player Coach Cayot highlights. “Ian is a great team guy, is well respected by faculty, coaches and other students, and can really play too.”

With a team of about 24 players, a lot will be asked of these young men, and many others, for the team to be as successful as last year, but one thing is for sure, even if the football scoreboard isn’t the same, these players are all on a great road to winning at life, with coaches like Cayot.  

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Oklahoma Bible Academy
Oklahoma Bible Academyhttps://www.oklahomabible.com/
Oklahoma Bible Academy is a middle and secondary school whose purpose is to integrate God’s Word into every aspect of life and learning, in order to present a biblical worldview to each student, and equip them for God’s purpose for their life.



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