58.7 F
Monday, March 31, 2025


[Enid, OK] – Park Avenue Thrift is accepting grant applications from nonprofit organizations and schools who serve Enid and offer quality-of-life benefits to our community for its 2024 spring grant cycle. Applications are due by March 31, 2024.

Park Avenue Thrift is an Oklahoma 501(c)(3) that exists to strengthen the Enid community and serve others by collecting donations, running a top-notch thrift store, and giving the proceeds to Enid nonprofits that invest in quality-of-life initiatives.

“2023 was an incredible year for Park Avenue Thrift and our community,” said Stela Jantzen, Park Avenue Thrift Executive Director. “We were able to give more to organizations thanks to the record-breaking support from our community through shopping and donations. We also reached the $4 million milestone of dollars given back to nonprofits, classrooms, and events in Enid since 2007.”

In 2023, Park Avenue Thrift gave $473,189.79 to 37 different organizations including: 4RKids, Atelier, Bennie’s Barn, Blue Star Mothers, Boy Scouts of America, Care Campus, Chautauqua Council of Enid, Chisholm Elementary, Chisholm High School, Chisholm Robotics Club, Enid Arts Council, Enid Public Library, Enid Running Club, Enid SOS, Enid SPCA, Enid Symphony Association, Fling at the Springs, FLY Film Festival, Garfield County Master Gardeners, McKinley Elementary, Gaslight Theatre, Hedges Regional Speech and Hearing Center, Leonardo’s Children’s Museum, Loaves and Fishes, Lifelong Learning Institute, Lincoln Academy, Main Street Enid, Northern Oklahoma College, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Old Paws

Rescue Ranch, PFLAG Enid, RSVP of Enid, SCL Foundation, Waller Middle School, Woodring Wall of Honor, Youth and Family Services, and YWCA of Enid. Each of these organizations or projects help fulfill Park Avenue’s mission of providing funding to improve Enid’s Quality of Life.

Additionally, Park Avenue sponsored several events at a total of $24,662 in 2023. Park Avenue gave $31,697.24 towards 91 different Enid and Chisholm Public School classroom projects through DonorsChoose and issued $6,027.87 through vouchers with 24 different PAT Voucher Program Partners.

In total Park Avenue Thrift gave back $541,279.28 in 2023 which brings their total giving since 2007 to $4,308,245.87.

If a nonprofit organization or school you belong to or know needs funding assistance for programming or projects this year, please consider applying for a PAT grant. Park Avenue focuses on funding visual and/or performing arts, education, environmental sustainability, and projects that keep Enid unique and a place where people want to be. Please visit their website at www.parkavenuethrift.org and click Community Giving to view and print the grant application.

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