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Monday, March 3, 2025

Enid Arts Council Is Opening A Doorway To A Journey Of Art That Inspires

The goal of the Enid Arts Council is to encourage and support cultural and educational events, both by our attendance, volunteer work, and financial assistance for the greater Enid area.

The 30 volunteer members of the EAC Board exhibit a love of community combined with a passion to further the arts and instill an appreciation for our heritage. This group exemplifies what the arts and humanities can do to enhance quality of life in Enid and the surrounding areas. We have provided thousands of dollars in grants and have supported art and literary activities for groups and individuals throughout our 40+ years. Recipients of grants have relied on our support for programs such as literary projects, art and music in our schools, Gaslight Theatre, Leonardo’s, Chautauqua, Enid Symphony, and the list goes on. Since 2005, the EAC has been a part of the distinguished Kennedy Center Partners in Education Program. The primary purpose of this program is to provide professional development in the arts for elementary teachers. The result of this knowledge will inspire them to teach the curriculum with fresh and innovative lessons. This has enriched the instruction of many teachers in Enid Public Schools.

In order to fund these projects and grants in our community, EAC continues to seek ways to secure revenue. We have an annual fund drive and a fundraiser each year. This year EAC is delighted to host…

                                                              ART THAT INSPIRES

                                                    FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024, 6:30 PM

                                                        OAKWOOD COUNTRY CLUB

The evening begins with cocktails and dinner after which our artist and keynote speaker, Will Rosenberg, will paint a picture of a life journey that has taken him around the world seven times. Will Rosenberg is a sparkplug for creativity. He will provide impactful content creatively delivered to invigorate and inspire. Will brings fire to the stage that is absolutely infectious. He will lift the audience with topics crafting a resilient equation such as how to bounce back from anything, especially in the midst of uncertainty. He will insist that you discover YOUR inner strength and resilience!

Will also has a gift for working with young people. This year with a generous donation from Park Avenue Thrift, EAC has made it possible for Will to work with students at Enid High School. He will provide an interactive art experience that will help them discover their inner strength and resilience.

We invite you to support the arts and humanities by attending this engaging event. Tickets are $100 and available from:  EAC members, The Enid Welcome Center, and via the Enid Arts Council website:  enidarts.org.

The last several years’ events were “SOLD OUT” so get your tickets soon and join us for an incredibly inspirational and unique evening!

Local Contributors
Local Contributors
"Local Contributors are authors and writers from and around Enid. They contribute their time and talent to different stories and pieces to help keep the community up to date and in the loop on all things Enid!



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