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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Simple Business is Good Business

You know how you can get a membership to a gym for an affordable monthly payment? How it allows you access to the facility anytime you want to utilize equipment or attend workout classes whenever it is convenient for you. The dedicated health enthusiasts generally have a set daily routine while someone else may frequent once or twice a week at various times. Group classes help people feel motivated and encouraged with other like-minded exercisers. There are staff available to assist with equipment adjustment, basic tips, and connecting to other options the gym has to offer. The idea behind this structure is to allow the flexibility for all members to utilize the space to meet their health needs. Well, guess what? momentumHQ functions the same way for your business needs!

Through affordable membership rates, you can have access to a professional office building equipped with WiFi, printing and scanning capabilities, office supplies, and the ever-important coffee machine. Whether you’re a traditional 9-5 worker in need of a private office or a remote worker that needs to pop in every week to use the large conference room, momentumHQ offers the flexibility to utilize different spaces that help your business thrive. We coordinate events each month with our members and others in the community to provide networking and learning for all types of businesses. Like a gym membership provides flexibility for your health, we can tailor your office membership to meet your business needs.

mHQ Member Highlights:

Innovative Sales Advisors: Vince Trotta

Vince found himself in Enid a few years ago working for GEFCO as a sales advisor. He wasn’t here long when the plant shut down. He realized he enjoyed living in Enid and needed to create a way for him to have a job that would allow him to stay in his newfound hometown. He created his business, Innovative Sales Advisors, where he contracts with large companies in OKC, Tulsa, and Wichita. He helps create effective sales strategies, provides training and recruiting tools, advises management teams, and more through Sales Xceleration. Being a member at momentumHQ has allowed him the freedom and flexibility for his business to succeed.

“When I first learned about momentumHQ, I knew I would use it, but I had no idea how much I would enjoy having a private office outside of my home. I feel productive, and I enjoy networking with the other members.”

-Vince Trotta

Forrest Bookkeeping: Cari Forrest

Cari has years of experience under her belt as a professional bookkeeper for companies across the nation, including many in Enid. Her business allows her the flexibility to work from home and she enjoys her office set up, however, she occasionally finds herself needing a place to meet with clients to go over their books. She has utilized coffee houses or restaurants as a place to conduct these meetings, which have been great, but there are times that she needs a little less public and a little more quiet for focused financial discussions. momentumHQ provides this space whenever she needs it by booking the conference room for a meeting or utilizing a day pass when she feels like getting out of the house for a few hours. 

“The atmosphere at mHQ is very relaxing. I felt comfortable, which made my clients feel comfortable. I think because of the great vibe, we had a productive time. The price is the equivalent to hosting coffee or lunch.”

-Cari Forrest



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