Hey Y’all, and welcome back to Teen Scene in ENID MONTHLY. This past June, I had an amazing opportunity to attend the Youth Leadership Greater Enid summer camp for 4 days and 3 nights. Since this camp is for Teens, I wanted to share my experience with you so you can encourage your teen to apply, or if you are a teen, encourage you to go!! Let’s go!!
On the very first day of camp, we were ready to start our adventure as soon as we got to Autry. All of us kids got to meet each other, introduce ourselves, and got a rundown of everything we would be doing. Then we started our day off strong and went to see the BTS (editor’s note: behind the scenes) of a local business, Downtown Threads. We got a free T-shirt, (it is really cute), a tour of the whole building, and the complete and complicated process the employees must do daily. Next, we traveled to Dense Mechanical and got to meet a few of the employees and even the owner!! They were all so nice and welcoming, and we got to learn a lot about things that are a necessity in our homes that we had no clue about. After Dense, we went all the way out to Tyson Foods and saw the whole process, from raw meat to Jimmy Dean Sausage in a labeled box. It was an interesting and eye-opening experience. Over lunch at the beautiful Cafe Volare, Mrs. Reed from Autry gave us lots of useful advice for our resumes and interviews. After lunch, we went to one of the most beautiful houses in Enid, THE CHAMPLIN MANSION! It was so beautiful and historic and was one of my favorite things we did. Then we headed to the Gaslight Theatre and participated in a mock media/crisis panel. I wasn’t one of the team leaders, so I didn’t have to speak, but it was definitely nerve-racking having adults press you and ask stern questions about a story you just read. Overall, it was a great experience, and I learned a lot. To conclude our first day, we went to Main Street Enid and did a downtown scavenger hunt!! It was pretty easy but was definitely a blast. We ate dinner at the Cherokee Strip Community Foundation and learned a lot about what they do then ended up at our hotel.Â

I have so much to tell you, but not enough space to write it all, SOOOOO come back next month to hear about the rest of my amazing journey at camp! Also, thank you for reading this month’s article. I hope you enjoyed it!! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for upcoming articles, email me at tweensceneenid@gmail.com I would love to hear if you applied for YLGE, so email me for that too! I hope you have an amazing July and a Happy 4th! See you next month for Pt. 2 of YLGE!!