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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Children’s Book Review: City Spies

Author: James Ponti
Reviewed by Chloe Fuksa

I know I have previously reviewed Spy School by Stuart Gibbs, so this month I turned to the other popular series in the genre: City Spies, by James Ponti. The first book in this series came out in 2020 and is suited for children aged 8-12. Whereas Spy School takes place in the realm of the CIA, City Spies involves the MI6 program in Britain.

Sara is a twelve-year-old girl living in a foster home in Brooklyn when she gets arrested for hacking into the NYC juvenile justice system. She is just about to be sentenced to juvie when a secret agent recruits her to instead join his team – at a castle in Scotland! There, she meets four other kids like herself, each with a different specialty. Kat, for instance, is a genius at cryptography, while Rio is a master at sleight-of-hand skills. Their first mission together is to protect an asset who is headlining a youth summit in Paris. When two people are found dead in the river, though, and a vial of a deadly virus goes missing shortly before the conference, the team must act quickly to protect everyone in attendance.

While I thought all the characters were fantastic and the friendships that develop between each of them were beautiful, I did think the final climactic scenes were a little weak, a little too lite on the action. But I could see where that would happen in the first book of a series, where the characters need to be developed and the foundation needs to be established. It was still a very enjoyable read though, and a really quick read at that, so I would definitely be intrigued enough to read the next book in the series and see where the characters travel to next!

Visit us in Sunset Plaza or call 580-297-5089 to get your copy of City Spies today!

Chloe Fuksa
Chloe Fuksahttp://putnamsix.com
Chloe Fuksa is the owner of Putnam Six Bookstore, located in Sunset Plaza. Like many others in her hometown, Chloe was sad to see Hastings close and decided to open a local independent bookstore in October 2018. Chloe loves that books can comfort you and teach you, they can make you laugh and make you cry, they can transport you to faraway places and inspire your wildest dreams.



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