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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Adult Book Review: Meditations for Mortals

Author: Oliver Burkeman
Reviewed by Chloe Fuksa

Over the years, I find that I’ve gotten on and off the self-help train a lot. When I graduated school, for example, and was searching for purpose and inspiration, I devoured self-help books. Then, at other times, I thought they were, frankly, hogwash. What drew me to Oliver Burkeman’s new book, Meditations for Mortals, though, was two-fold. First, it’s the start of a new year, so naturally it’s a good time to reflect and to make some changes. The second reason is that Burkeman’s prior book was titled Four Thousand Weeks, for the average person’s lifespan, and while I haven’t read it yet, I was instantly intrigued by this author.

In Meditations for Mortals, Burkeman structures the book around a four-week schedule, with one chapter for each day. I don’t think any of the chapters were longer than five or six pages too, so it’s convenient and easy to stick with. It seems a little counter-intuitive, but the book focuses on our imperfections. For instance, we cannot anticipate every single possibility at every fork in the road, we will never fully tackle our to-do lists, and we will never be entirely in control of our lives. So how can we turn these limitations into positives then? Cross a bridge when you get to it, not before. Make a done list, rather than to-do. Accept that life will never be problem-free, no matter how old you get.

Meditations for Mortals is certainly different than many other self-help books, but I really appreciated its practicality. Now, I read the book in one or two sittings, and it got to be a little much. I would recommend taking it a chapter or a section at a time, like the author suggests, just in order to make it easier to reflect on. Not every chapter will resonate with every person, either, but I did think overall it was an interesting book with realistic takeaways. A perfect New Year’s book!

Visit us in Sunset Plaza or call 580-297-5089 to get your copy of Meditations for Mortals today!

Chloe Fuksa
Chloe Fuksahttp://putnamsix.com
Chloe Fuksa is the owner of Putnam Six Bookstore, located in Sunset Plaza. Like many others in her hometown, Chloe was sad to see Hastings close and decided to open a local independent bookstore in October 2018. Chloe loves that books can comfort you and teach you, they can make you laugh and make you cry, they can transport you to faraway places and inspire your wildest dreams.



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