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Saturday, October 5, 2024

American Dreams

If you Googled “What is the American Dream?”, the first thing that pops up is that it is a belief that anyone can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. So, what does that mean to you? Are you working to fulfill a lifelong goal to build a home to raise your family? Are you striving to become a top executive before you turn 45? Or maybe you want to get out of your boring day job and start your own business where you can be your own boss and grow as fast (or as slow) as you want to. Whatever your dream is, momentumHQ is here to provide you with the space and tools you need to keep that momentum going leading to your own version of success.

The mHQ Crew is ready to help you tackle your dreams by guiding you to have your own office space that you can use exactly how you want. Do you need a professional conference room with a large TV for presentations to small groups to help you succeed? Or maybe you need access to a soundproofed room with podcast capabilities to jump your business forward. It’s possible you need both on occasion. At momentumHQ, we can tailor your business membership to meet your needs at affordable rates, making you one step closer to achieving your dreams.

mHQ Member Highlights

Wordy Girl Creative: Elizabeth Cummins

WGC is a digital advertising and website development company that simplifies your online campaign strategies, while reaching more people and giving you detailed analytics and stellar ROI. Elizabeth uses her knowledge and talents to create websites from scratch that don’t just look professional, but function how you need them to make them work for you. She can take it a step further by implementing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tactics alongside Google ads to give you the full spread of marketing across a platform specific to your reach. Elizabeth’s dream to collaborate with businesses to achieve their marketing goals is what motivates her to keep learning the tricks of the trade so that business owners can get the biggest bang for their buck when it comes to website usage and geofencing.

Happy Hour Marketing: Nicole Winfield

Not everyone’s idea of a good time is managing the content, verbiage, and time it takes to run social media for their business. Some people don’t know the right words to say or when the best time to post things are or what to focus on in any given post. It can be daunting and overwhelming on top of everything else that needs to be managed. This is where Happy Hour Marketing steps in. Nicole thoroughly enjoys creating content calendars for all types of social media that has focused messaging and imagery to encourage brand awareness and business reach.

Mommas, Marketing, & Margaritas Podcast

momentumHQ has provided a space for these two marketing gurus to introduce a dream that they’ve wanted to do for a long time. A podcast focused on working mom life while providing tips for marketing. Their podcast is available on Apple and Spotify. Check it out!

Indian Hills Plaza Business Spotlight Got a kid in tutoring at the Enid Learning Academy? Instead of spending that time in your car, stop in at momentumHQ to get some work done in air conditioning and a focused environment. You can work while your kid learns!



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