by Mayowa Ogunsola
CHS Sophomore
Looking forward to the upcoming track season there is a great deal of expectations and goals for the upcoming season among the athletes. This year they are entering the 2022 season with new coaches and athletes, so everyone should be anticipating positive outcomes for the new season. “We hope to return a great team of athletes with experience and leadership skills. They are hard workers, and it has led to their success,” said Coach Coleman. They are also looking at a very successful season for these young athletes, but with encouragement and cheering from the student body, they should be able to take home the grand prize. Based on what has already been taking place, new routes will be taken to acquire the aspirations for this upcoming season. Coach Coleman stated, “Again we have a lot of experience and leadership from the past years, which will help with a good group of younger athletes. This is always important to success.”

In previous years, Chisholm High School Track has taken home several championships, such as in 2016 (boys and girls), 2017 and 2019 (girls). They were also runner up in 2015 (boys) and 2017 (boys and girls). Hoping to acquire another championship this year, the athletes have been training and preparing with the help of each other and the coaches. Coaches and players are putting forth their best effort to prepare for the approaching season. Everyone will also be seeing new forms of leadership and achievements in all areas. Based on previous years, the athletes have normally done very well in certain areas, but this year everyone should be seeing many new achievements from the Chisholm track athletes, whether it’s physically or mentally. With this group of students, this should be a great and successful season for everyone.