Happy Summer NW Okies! Hope y’all have been out enjoying some spawning fish and preparing those deer stands for the upcoming season. If you haven’t, it’s about time to get those game cameras in place and see what you’ve got roaming around.
Speaking of Summer, the end of May kicks off the Walleye Rodeo in good ole Canton, Oklahoma. The “rodeo” is Oklahoma’s oldest and largest fishing tournament. Thousands of visitors flood the lake and small town to enjoy the fishing tourney, a carnival, vendor booths and an art show. Additionally, typically on the Saturday of the tournament, there is a 5K race, a fun run, poker run, barbecue cookoff and car show. To top it off there is a parade. Fun for all!

After the parade and food trucks, there is a street dance. It’s a great way to burn off those calories from the onion burgers and Indian tacos you’d previously consumed. On Sunday, there is a kid’s fishing derby for those 12 years of age and younger. The kids have the ability to win a lifetime fishing license, which would save you parents a few hundred bucks. An awards ceremony is held with ice cream and hamburgers and simply good fellowship with the locals and fellow fishermen.
Prizes are given out for several different categories, including 10 different species of fish. Walleye, stripers, drum, buffalo, carp, sunfish, flathead, white bass, channel cat, crappie, black bass and hybrids are all worth prizes if you catch the biggest. Several fish are tagged, and a tagged fish can be worth anywhere from $20 to $500!
The 2024 Canton Lake Walleye Rodeo will be May 16, 17, 18 and 19th. I’d suggest reserving a camping spot early as the place is guaranteed to be packed. Remember, be courteous and hurry at the boat dock and loading ramps, pick up your trash and your campsite, don’t blare late night music, etc. Simply do what we do, which is be sportsmen(women). Until then, catch ya around the bend!