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Saturday, May 4, 2024

My New Year’s Resolution is…

Well, I think we can all say that 2020 has not been the year we had expected.  As we look forward toward 2021 you may be considering making a New Year’s resolution.  At the beginning of 2020, an estimated 164 million Americans said they were planning to make a plan to improve themselves moving into the New Year.  And if you were one of those people who decided to make a resolution and be successful, well you are not alone. A recent finder survey revealed that 72.4 million Americans, or about 44.2% of all Americans, think that following through on their New Year’s resolution is well within reach. 

So with most of 2020 in our rearview mirror, we can begin to think of the ways we want to improve ourselves. Maybe you want to quit smoking or save more money.  Maybe you want to eat healthier or move a little more.  No matter what your resolution may be, psychologists say you need to have a plan, not just a resolution. 

John Norcross, a psychology professor at Scranton University and author of “Changeology: 5 Steps to Realizing your Goals and Resolutions”, says that if you want that resolution to become a lifelong habit then you have to have an actionable plan to get there.  Here are some tips that Dr. Norcross provides:

  1. Be realistic and plan ahead – Most successful resolvers plan their goals ahead of the January 1st deadline. 
  2. Have a reward system – You must replace a bad habit with a good habit. 
  3. Eliminate triggers from your environment – Certain everyday behaviors could be triggering your bad habit.  Review your daily routine and make changes where they may be needed. 
  4. Get social support – Build a support network that can help get you through the rough times and cheer you on in the good times. 

If you are like the approximately 65% of Americans who resolve to exercise more in 2021, OHAI wants to remind you that we can help!  OHAI provides movement classes like Tai Chi, Staying Active and Independent for Life, and Walk with Ease.  All of these programs meet you where you are physically and allows you to build a support system of others while you are achieving your goals. 

The Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative, or OHAI, provides free, virtual classes that are open to anyone at any fitness level.  These classes are currently being held on the Zoom platform and also on Facebook Live so you can exercise in the comfort and safety of your own home. 

OHAI’s 2021 class schedule is being finalized now, so please feel free to email devon-murray@ouhsc.edu, tina-ruding@ouhsc.edu or christopher-m-anderson@ouhsc.edu and we can provide you with the classes that will work best in your busy schedule.  You can also check out our website at www.ohai.org or like our Facebook Page at Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative to find a current Facebook Live class schedule. 

Let’s all try to make 2021 a happier, healthier year not only for ourselves but for everyone around us. 

Stay Safe! 

Devon Murrayhttp://www.ohai.org
Devon Murray is the Education Director with the Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative (OHAI). OHAI is a sponsored program of the Section of Geriatric Medicine within the College of Medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center. OHAI office in Enid provide community education to older adults, caregivers and healthcare providers across 16 counties in Northwestern Oklahoma.



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