Dating is different than it used to be, with a variety of digital outlets promising the right match. And just like everything else in the last year, people have strong opinions about it.
Intrigued by friends’ entertaining, horrific, or downright hilarious stories about guys they’ve met online, I went on the hunt for more information. After all, I am The Wordy Girl, and dating apps are a form of marketing yourself online.
The results are in.
“We met on in December 2018, and were engaged in May 2019, then married in December 2019,” Justin Blasier said. “And, sitting here with my wife, looking at my newborn, I’d say online dating works pretty well.”
On the flipside is Corey Caddell, a 41-year-old single father. “I will never do any form of online dating,” Caddell said. “I want to talk to women in person. I could walk up to any woman, heck, even Carrie Underwood, and I wouldn’t be intimidated.”
The Blasiers – Taylor and Justin Crossed Paths
Meet Enid Brewing Company owners Taylor and Justin Blasier. These lovebirds met on, which has a handy location services feature.
“I had recently been through a divorce, and just decided to look into it,” Justin said. “I was so new to the dating world. I kept getting a notification that Taylor Jordon and I had been in the same place. I looked her up, and thought, ‘She’s really cute. How have I not seen her?’”

That was Justin’s first and last online match. Taylor, however, had a different experience. “I had some bad matches from Tinder and Match,” she said. “I was about to give up, and was giving it one last shot.”
The pair ended up talking on the phone until 4 a.m., and both deleted their online profiles the next day. “We each shared our entire back story that first night because we’ve all been through things,” Justin said. “We were absolutely meant to be. Those algorithms work, I guess.”
Taylor quickly chimed in, “Yeah, they must, because we were made for each other.”
Corey Caddell – It Ain’t Easy Being a Bachelor
“It’s honestly lazy,” Corey said. “These guys can’t just strike up a regular conversation with a woman they meet in public. I picture them sitting at home on their phones.”
Thinking Corey was a bit harsh, I turned to my survey, where an anonymous responder gave this explanation, “I’m a homebody, and apps help me reach people I wouldn’t otherwise meet.”
As a welder, Corey travels a lot for work. He and his crew were out of town and downloaded Bumble for entertainment one evening. “We logged into my buddy’s new profile, and thought, ‘Let’s see if there are any hot ones. We swiped and swiped, and it took a long time to find a good looking one,” he said.

This swiping theory was shared by most. “It’s a good chance to check out the hotties, of course,” one single female said.
One anonymous person commented that as you get older, the swiping method doesn’t work. “People continue to look for the same thing,” he said. “At my age, dating is like hanging out at the thrift shop trying to find the cleanest shirt.”
Corey echoed this sentiment, saying that, “People get on these apps, and we’ve all been through things. We’re all older, and I’m sure, not perfect. People are still hopping on there expecting to find a brand new car in the used car lot.”
Best Quotes – Read on for the best interview answers.
“Approaching a woman is like asking the bank for money. The worst that can happen is she says no, but I’m not hiding behind one of those apps.” – Corey Caddell
“The hardest part about these apps is everyone there is looking for one thing. But then again, I guess, so am I.” – Anonymous
“People aren’t who they present themselves to be online.” – Anonymous
“The culture is abysmal at best. I’m lucky I found myself a good man in this climate, but it sure is tough.” – Anonymous
“There are too many crazies out there to use online dating.” – Jeri Dawn Osland
“Certain dating apps have reputations for a particular dating style. If you’re looking for something more casual or hook-ups, then tinder may be the best option. If you’re looking for something a little more serious, then Bumble or Match might be better.” – Anonymous

“Dating is HARD, and online dating works for some, and it can be super successful. However, it also creates this culture where there’s always someone better out there. It can be a blessing and a curse. I’ve seen people use it for a boost in confidence or an easy hookup, or just to pursue their happiness, rather than pursuing a Godly relationship or marriage.” – Hilary Thomas
Online dating casts a bigger net, but the good to bad match ratio seems to mirror the real world. I never went online, but I sure had some interesting dates before I met my man. What do you think? Is online dating worth it? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Until next time.
Wordy Girl