42.9 F
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dove Season Set to Kick Off Fall Hunts

Howdy Okies! If y’all are like me, you’re excited for the greatest season of the year. What season is that you ask? Huntin’ season, of course!

Dove season officially kicks off September 1 and runs through October 31, statewide. These little swift dodgers dippin’ and divin’ through the air will certainly test one’s marksmanship. This relatively small bird somehow has the innate ability to dodge shotgun shell pellets with what seems to be the greatest of ease.  Other than that, the hunt itself is great for new shooters, as it is as simple as sitting on a bucket by a pond waiting for the birds to appear. There are no taxing long walks and/or “surprises” like there are busting a pheasant or covey of quail. Unlike other big game species or waterfowl, no expensive camouflage is needed to take a few (or if you are lucky, a limit) of dove. In fact, nothing more is needed than a pair of jeans, a camo t-shirt and hat and a bucket. Most of my dove hunting locations are located by small bodies of water, but dove can be successfully hunted near patches of sunflowers, milo fields or the like. Like other migratory birds the best time during the day to take dove is early morning or late evening during feeding times.

The daily limit for dove is 15 (although it might take two boxes of shells to get you there). A hunting license is required unless otherwise exempt. Additionally, all dove hunters must carry a “HIP” permit which is a “Harvest Information Permit” that can be found free online at www.wildlifedepartment.com. Migratory birds like dove also cannot be taken with a shotgun capable of holding more than three shells, so either shoot your trusty over/under like me or be sure to make sure to utilize a plug in your semi-auto shotgun. Enjoy nature, the time with your trusty dog or children and remember, sometimes the hunt isn’t about hunting at all.


Grilled Dove Stuffed with Cheese and Jalapeno en Brochette

-Marinate in Italian salad dressing (minimizes the wild game flavor)

-Split breast, adding cheese and jalapeno in between breast halves

-½ slice bacon around width and ½ slice bacon around length, securing with a toothpick

-Cook over hot coals (approximately 4 mins each side) until 160-degree internal temperature


Dalen McVay
Dalen McVay
Dalen McVay is a lawyer and an avid outdoorsman, hunting and fishing for every species available in Oklahoma. He especially enjoys bass fishing and deer hunting. He has two sons and a daughter who also enjoy the great outdoors, especially any time spent at the lake. His lovely wife does not enjoy his muddy boots.



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