Hey y’all!! It’s Sophia writing the Tween Scene article in Enid Monthly. This month we have a special guest: BREE! Bree and I have been friends since 3rd grade! The picture of us was from our first playdate! I am so excited to be writing the article this month with her so let’s get started.
We are going to write and acrostic about TURKEY and what we are thankful for!
T: Taco Bueno because It is my favorite fast-food place and it is AMAZING. I was so sad when it closed down in Enid so we get it for lunch every time we go out of town.
U: USA because it is my home and I love my country
R: Rain because without rain we wouldn’t have beautiful flower and trees.
K: Kindness because if the world was just full of hate than it would suck to live in. Kindness is very important because it encourages others and brightens up their day.
E: Eggs because without eggs I would not be able to bake delicious and beautiful deserts.
Y: Your life or in this case my life. I am very thankful to be living and wish for it to never end. I love being able to wake up every morning to see my beautiful family and friends.

T: Tough dad because I don’t have to worry about going to take the trash out at night. Haha only kidding! (kind of)
U: Uplifting people because if you don’t have uplifting people our world would be in even worse shape than it already is.
R: Rice because it’s easy to make but not only it’s very cheap and tastes soooo good.
K: Kindness because I love when someone on the street smiles or even says hello! It really brightens my day!
E: Easter especially because that’s when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
Y: YOU because if we didn’t have you guys readying this wonderful magazine then what’s the point of making one!
Thank you for reading this month’s article. We would love to hear what y’all are thankful for as well so please email us for that and if you have any comments, questions, concerns or any other ideas for upcoming articles email us at tweensceneenid@gmail.com. Have an amazing Thanksgiving and don’t forget to be thankful for what you have! See you next month!!!