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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Happy Grandparents Day!

Hello to our dear readers! Welcome back to Teen Scene, this month my BSF Bree and I are going to tell you about our Grandparents and the fun memories we have with them. Let’s go!!

Everybody has Grandparents but not everyone makes it a point to talk with or visit them. Some people are lucky enough to have all 4 of their grandparents still in their lives. I have my G-Ma (my mom’s mom) and Papa Rod (her partner) which I am very thankful for. They live a little bit out of town so I don’t get to see them as much as I want, but my grandma is always shopping at thrift stores in town so she comes and says hi! I remember her taking to me to 5 thrift stores in one day and I HATED IT!!!! But, I was happy I got to spend all day with her. I can always count on my grandma to be at my sporting and school events in town no matter what. Sometimes when she comes into town she’ll take me to Braum’s to get ice cream. I would always get so excited to go stay at their house and see Papa Rod. They have a beautiful pumpkin patch and garden that I like helping with. One of my most favorite memories with them is our trips back from Red River, NM. We would get a HUGE ripe watermelon at this stand and eat it at these picnic tables off the highway every time I would go with them. They both travel by themselves to Red River on their birthday, June 6th, and Papa Rod sends me pictures of my gorgeous grandma doing their favorite things. Papa Rod would take me fishing and we would just wait there talking waiting for a fish to bite our bait. He would get up early in the morning to bring me donuts and chocolate milk when I would stay over. My Papa Ru (dad’s dad) passed away when I was in 3rd grade. I don’t remember much but the most vivid memory I have with him is one day we went over to visit him and I just got this brand new Anna (from Frozen) hat that had a long braid of red hair attached to the back and he asked if he could try it on. He looked so cool!!  He also had this dog named Gus that would jump all over me when we would come over. My mom’s dad (Tim) and my dad’s mom (Kathy) both passed away before I was born so I never got to meet them. My mom always tells me that I would’ve been her dad’s favorite grandchild. My dad always talks about how short (4-11)his mom was!! I really wish I could’ve met both of them but hearing stories about them makes it so much better. 

Bree loves her grandparents because they are the ones who raised her parents. She loves living next door to her Grandma and Grandpa on her mom’s side. She loves walking next door and getting fresh Root Beer floats. She always goes golfing with them and hangs out by the pool! Her grandma got this new HUGE dog that cuddles with you where ever you are. Bree and her family always go over for s’mores, hang out by the campfire and play cornhole and just chill. About a year ago her other grandpa got remarried and moved to Enid so she likes going to their house and just spending time with them. Before her grandma (dad’s mom) passed they would fly up to Utah and visit all their family and play with their chickens. Those are some of her favorite memories with her grandparents!

Thank you for reading this month’s article!! We hope you enjoyed it! We would love to hear about your favorite memories with your grandparents so email us @ tweensceneenid@gmail.com if you have any comments, questions, or ideas on upcoming articles as well!! See you next month!

Sophia & Mallie
Sophia & Mallie
Sophia and Mallie have been best friends since Kindergarten. They are both in 7th grade in Enid, Sophia at Emerson M.S. and Mallie at Waller M.S. They both love soccer, hot pockets and tik-tok. Sophia and Mallie would love to hear from their readers! Email them at tweensceneenid@gmail.com.



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