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Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Hey ya’ll and welcome back to Tween Scene! This month I will be writing with 2 of my friends, Valeria and Giselle. Since middle school is coming to an end for all 3 of us and we will be attending Enid High School in August, we thought it would be interesting to tell our readers things we’ve learned throughout our 3 years at Emerson Middle School. 

I have learned many life lessons along with actual education at Emerson. I have learned things from all the different types of elements to how to write a 5 paragraph essay, but most importantly how to be a good student, person and friend. My favorite class is called Leadership which is what has helped make me the person I am today. Our teacher, Mr. Thomas has helped me be a great leader by having us do certain activities like debates, presentations that we get to present to our class and even cool art projects around the school. Being in that class has made me realize that you should always be a good person even when no one is watching. I have also lost friends along the way but you also get to make and keep amazing friends like Valeria and Giselle who have stuck with me every day. I have grown more mature through the 3 years and hope to grow even more. -Sophia

Emerson Middle School has taught me many things. I have learned to become a better leader and to always try to help others before myself. I have amazing friends and teachers, who have also helped me in many ways. I am especially thankful for Mr. Thomas. Thanks to him, I am not afraid to get up on stage in front of the whole school and share a slideshow or give a speech. He also organizes fun field trips for us in which we get to help the community and meet new people! I’m so grateful that I got to go to Emerson because it is truly the best middle school! -Valeria

Middle school has taught me many life lessons that will carry me through high school and adulthood. Finding close friends and losing them can be really hard and depressing. Dating in middle school can probably be the worst mistake you can do, and trust me I know from experience. My favorite class would probably be leadership class. We help our school and do fundraisers for us to have many fun activities and trips for us to go to. I will truly miss middle school! -Giselle

Thank you for reading this month’s article. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or any ideas for upcoming articles please let us know at tweensceneenid@gmail.com . We hope everyone has a wonderful May and a Happy Mothers Day! Bye for now!! 

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Sophia & Mallie
Sophia & Mallie
Sophia and Mallie have been best friends since Kindergarten. They are both in 7th grade in Enid, Sophia at Emerson M.S. and Mallie at Waller M.S. They both love soccer, hot pockets and tik-tok. Sophia and Mallie would love to hear from their readers! Email them at tweensceneenid@gmail.com.



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